Author Archives: admin

Scothern Nurseries has a wide array of seasonal items such as bedding plants and hanging baskets too.

Laura is an expert on Butterflies and Moths and will be talking about how to attract them to the garden.

Sarah Haisley is coming to do her talk “Sweet Peas for Everyone”. Sarah is a member of the Sweet Peas Society and is very knowledgeable on the subject. Everybody welcome at 7.30pm £3.50 entry

Wednesday 17th April, we have fruit and veg expert Jayne Hickling coming to talk to us. Jayne is one of the gardening experts and broadcasters for Radio Lincolnshire.

Our first meeting of 2024 will be on Wednesday 17th January, 7.30pm start in the Old School Hall. Our speaker for the evening is Jim Pearson who will be demonstrating the ancient craft of skep making. Jim has been a master bee keeper for many years and judges at the Great Yorkshire Show. Come and join us for what should be an interesting evening. £3.50 on the door includes light refreshments. Everybody welcome

June 21st 2023 was the last meeting before we meet again in September as the club closes in July and August for the summer holidays and because you’re all so busy in the garden! We will be having a cheese and wine buffet at a cost of £10 per person. If you wish to attend the June meeting, you are more than welcome but please contact Gail Summerfield in advance for catering purposes. Amanda Barnett is one of the committee members and will be bringing flowers from her own garden and demonstrating how to use them to make a beautiful bouquet.

Pricklington Palace is a voluntary-run sanctuary for hedgehogs which was set up by Gill to rescue, rehabilitation and release back into the wild where possible. Gill will be talking about the hedgehog and how it can benefit us as gardeners.

Gill has worked in the horticultural trade for 40 years. She has qualifications in floristry and flower production. Much of her business now is creating bespoke arrangements for weddings

Simon is Garden Centre Manager at Peter Beales Roses with over 39 years experience in growing the nations favorite flower. He has a passion for the rose and would like to share this  with others. The late Peter Beales started the rose nursery in 1968 and specialized in the old fashioned style of shrub rose, climbers and ramblers. Today they list over 1100 different varieties which is possible the largest collection of roses grown commercially in the world.
